one step at a time.

Monday, June 17, 2013

AND I WOULD WALK 500 MILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday I finished my walk of 500 miles!  WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Yet what an anti-climax it was!  I am delighted to have finished it, and pleased I finished it 10 days early, but now I have no goal... and there were no fanfares or celebrations for me completing my own personal pointless (did it to see if I could) challenge.

So what next?

Ideas:  Do 1 peak over 500m, 1 10+mile bike ride, 1 run and 4 gym sessions (classes, swims or gym visits) every month?  It has to be 4 gym sessions or I'm not getting my moneysworth out of membership... but I am doing it anyway so perhaps don't need it in my challenge.

Walk another 500m... because 1000 miles in a year would be pretty cool?

Go walking in a different county every month?

Thinking hat is on!  Suggestions welcomed.


Travis Cody said...

I just did the Snoopy dance of joy for you! I'm fresh out of ideas for challenges, but I shall think on it and see if I can shake a brain cell loose.

Cerigirlguiding said...

Yey Travis! Better than a fanfare xx