one step at a time.

Monday, June 24, 2013

Blogging whilst away

I go to India in 2 days.  I am excited!

I have packed my bag (sort of).

I have had my injections.

I have a visa and a passport and a ticket for the plane.

I have a label (and have lost a label!).

I have a travel blog.  Unfortunately the phone app won't work - so I'll be blogging by email.  Not sure if I can get photos on that way.  Also not sure the solar phone charger will work well (think it should be sunny enough) so am not sure I'll be blogging anyway.

Should you wish to see what we're up to in India;

Monday, June 17, 2013

AND I WOULD WALK 500 MILES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yesterday I finished my walk of 500 miles!  WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!

Yet what an anti-climax it was!  I am delighted to have finished it, and pleased I finished it 10 days early, but now I have no goal... and there were no fanfares or celebrations for me completing my own personal pointless (did it to see if I could) challenge.

So what next?

Ideas:  Do 1 peak over 500m, 1 10+mile bike ride, 1 run and 4 gym sessions (classes, swims or gym visits) every month?  It has to be 4 gym sessions or I'm not getting my moneysworth out of membership... but I am doing it anyway so perhaps don't need it in my challenge.

Walk another 500m... because 1000 miles in a year would be pretty cool?

Go walking in a different county every month?

Thinking hat is on!  Suggestions welcomed.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Yesterday I did the Brownie accounts - took all day! (included a visit to the bank to get some prints of statements and organise new signatory)
I sent bills to parents.
I deferred my student loan repayments.
I tried to contact absent pupil - no luck.
I typed up a flyer for a fundraising event this Saturday evening.

Today I left for Edinburgh EARLY to get a Visa for India from the offices which open at 8.30 before starting teaching at 9.30.
Teaching finished early as last pupil (with exam tomorrow) did not attend.  I think he may have arrived 30 mins late as he texted.

This evening I had hoped to be camping overnight but it is too rainy to bother for a 1-nighter.

Instead I have made the suggested changes to the flyer and have planned for its printing.

Tomorrow I have to go in early to see my pupil who texted for a replacement lesson.
I have to teach.
I have to plan a Big Lunch which we are holding on Saturday lunchtime.
I need to make up a fun quiz treasure hunt for Rainbows, Brownies & Guides.

Thursday I need to buy ingredients for sandwiches to feed the above girls.

Friday I am going to the pub with my friends.

Saturday I am going up to the hall early to prepare for lunch.  I am then going home to meet my friend for prosecco (which I will need!) prior to attending the fundraising event which is for the India trip.

Meanwhile I'm working on the Big Brownie Birthday Party plans.

It's a busy week.  Very Girlguiding-heavy... but it's the end and after India I'm OFF DUTY (except the 2 meetings scheduled during the holidays!!).  Roll on July... 2nd half of July.