one step at a time.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

so much to do so little time!

Time off this week:

Now.. only I have to use it rearranging my work for next week to fit it all in. So that doesn't really count...

This afternoon I work and this evening I teach.

Tomorrow until 3.30.

This morning we have been out for breakfast with a friend to the supermarket. Sounds a bit sad but it was good fun!

If my boyfriend helps me I can totally do all my usual work PLUS the extra 28hrs work. I know he would rather climb a mountain but I think I'm gonna have to twist his arm otherwise I don't see how I can fit it all in.


Travis Cody said...

We have two supermarkets/groceries we use in our neighborhood. They both have excellent bakeries, and each of them has a Starbucks. So I understand perfectly about having breakfast at the supermarket.

TopChamp said...

It was good!