one step at a time.

Saturday, December 08, 2007

christmas decorating!

look what I made! Ok - so I bought the wreath but it was plain fir... so I put mad curly ribbon on it and added berries. It looks a bit messy but I like it.

And the tree is up!!!!


the Book of Keira said...

Happy Christmas!

Julie said...

Very nice! The tree AND the wreath! I have my decorating done as of today too! Pictures later!

Anonymous said...

Pretty tree and the wreath looks neat. Way to go!

Liz Hill said...

How nice--the tree is lovely as well.

I'll be doing the same all day today--well at least until 7 PM.

Akelamalu said...

Ah you're all Christmassy! :)

Queenie said...

It looks so nice, I know I have to make a start. Maybe tomorrow???? Who's hiding behind the cushion (come on don't be shy).

Gattina said...

Looks really nice ! I prefer not to put too much on the tree otherwise you don't the the tree anymore ! If you want to see what are my favourite Christmas ornaments I put them on my blog today for two Group games. I haven't put up the tree yet because it is a little early we will do it next weekend.

Mother of Invention said...

This is a real tree right? I still get a Fraser Fir or balsam. We still haven't got it up!!!