one step at a time.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

blogblast for peace

I am so short of time... getting in at midnight or later and leaving for work at least five minutes ago each morning... (the time on blogger's still an hour ahead I think). But I want to support this idea, so have done my best this morning. Now I must go and get a bus (haha.... taxi).


Ingrid said...

Peace and Love to you !

Queenie said...

Gosh! I forgot......
Great Globe Champ, peace be with you.

Travis Cody said...

I think you did a fine job! And I'm glad you took a few minutes to do this.


Akelamalu said...

You did a great job with little time. Peace to you and yours. x

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

The whole point is to be a part of the posting...You did a heck of a job in a short period of time.

PEACE to you and yours

TopChamp said...

thanks guys - I'll be round to see you soon but have to go to bed - it's half 1 in the morning!

CountryDew said...

Good work! May we all find peace in these trying times.

Kanani said...

Peace be to you, and it's never too late!!

Mimi Lenox said...

I love what you did with this globe and post in such a short time. I hope your day went well! Thanks for participating again. You are one of the original peace bloggers from November 7, 2006. It wouldn't be the same without you!

Peace to you and yours,