one step at a time.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

miserable boot

Comments yesterday made me realise how miserable I've been of late. Well - boring in fact - but boring because I can't get the enthusiasm to do much just now.

Which means I haven't really got a lot to blog about!

So please accept my apologies - come back another day... I'll try to think of something interesting to tell you all x

Tonight we're finishing off healthy heart with Brownies. I will send them all home with a food diary to keep for a week to see if they are keen enough to actually get the badge! Otherwise there's not much going on here.

Update: I decided to get a grip and actually do the things that we were meant to be doing at Brownies at the moment. So instead of the quick 2 line note I had planned to send out I knuckled down and wrote a quick letter home.

I had written a note to ask parents to send a t-shirt along next week (plain one) as the girls would be doing t-shirt painting next week. We only had 11 there though so there will be up to 5 girls without t-shirts... unless I am organised enough to phone them.

I also asked the parents to let me know whether they would be able to send their children to camp after term ends.. as this is unusual for us. I hope that enough are keen - we have to pay a deposit so I do need an idea of numbers.

FINALLY I sent out a request for them to come along to Thinking Day. On one hand I hope that they go for this - as they'll get a special badge, and there are activities for them to do. On the other hand - I will have to get off work early to take them and that's a hassle for me. So I'll be vagually disappointed if they can't go... but pleased too. Confusing!

Healthy heart badge was ok - they quite enjoyed the challenge part - where they had to write down a vegetable or fruit from as many letters of the alphabet as they could.

We also did penants for a county competition - some of which turned out great! Hopefully they'll win something (we never have yet).


the Book of Keira said...

I know how you feel. I have nothing to write about other than what's in my twisted head because I never do anything...LOL.

Jen said...

Good luck with Healthy Heart tonight, hope it goes well.

TopChamp said...

108 - I like hearing about what's in your twisted head!

The guider - cheers! It went ok... wasn't the MOST fun of badges - but it wasn't bad to do.

Julie said...

You are a very sincere and caring Brownie leader! There should be more of you!

Travis Cody said...

It's life baby and it's not always wildly exciting. That's really what makes it interesting.