one step at a time.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Today I'm going to the seaside and I am very excited. At the moment I am sat in my PJ's playing on my friend's computer while she's out getting fags and cheese for cheese and ham toasties. She doesn't put cigarettes in the cheese and ham toasties - they're just for her!


Queenie said...

Enjoy the toasties, don't forget the marmite!!!!!!

Travis Cody said...

Thanks for clarifying that the cigs don't go into the food!

Jen said...

how was the seaside?

TopChamp said...

Queenie - lovely to see you back! I'll pop over shortly. Marmite - eugh gross.

Trav - no problem - thought it best to ensure there was no confusion...

Guider - It was wicked! I saw dolphins for real.