one step at a time.

Friday, February 01, 2008


I am very guilty of never taking the advice below myself. I hate doctors. However I'm lucky and haven't had any serious health concerns yet.

I went on a working holiday (they took me as they needed a trumpet player... ) with a big London medical school orchestra. 30 doctors in training..... it's enough to give anyone a phobia!


Queenie said...

All those medics around you, its enough to raise your temperature.

the Book of Keira said...

This reminds me that I need to work on your graphic... I'll do it over the weekend, okay?

Akelamalu said...

Doctors blowing their own trumpet? :)

Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

Health begins with simple visits to the doctor even when you are feeling well

Anndi said...

I work with enginneers.. I have developped a phobia when it comes to engineers...

I know what you mean though, I hate going to the doc. Unfortunately a doctor reports to me at work and my nurse just LOVES to make sure she schedules me for a yearly...

TopChamp said...

you guys have check-ups when you're not ill? That's not something we do... well not something anyone I know who hasn't been ill does.

CountryDew said...

It is good to establish a relationship with your doctor with "wellness" visits, if you can. Because when you're really sick, you're too sick to be coherent and think straight. If s/he already knows your eyes don't droop then if they're drooping when s/he sees you, then it's obvious you're feeling bad ... (as an example)...