one step at a time.

Thursday, March 13, 2008


I hereby solemnly swear that I, Topchamp, will make time to CATALOGUE my music.
This will therefore avoid situations such as the current one. At the moment I am rooting through every piece I own on the off chance that there may be trumpet trio music I have missed there for a gig we have tonight.
Nothing like preparation!


Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

It takes a while when you do it initially, but if you then keep is invaluable

Anonymous said...

I love to organize and sort shit!

Monique said...

You're a bit like my husband. He often looks for a book, he KNOWS is on THAT shelf, and then finds it somewhere else.

TopChamp said...

Bond - It's finding the time... Will try soon...

Kyra - come organise me!

Monique - I found stuff in some unexpected places this morning.

Travis Cody said...

Do little bits at a time. That way it won't be so overwhelming.

TopChamp said...

Trav - it's not even really that I want it all organised. I just want to know what I have. That way I'll be able to look at my list on trio gig day and know what pieces I'm looking for.

The hope that I'll keep music in ORDER is futile. I'm a slob.

Unknown said...

I HATE moments like that. And they happen to me much too frequently when I can't find something I left until the last minute because I was SURE I'd be able to find in in a coupe of minutes.

Akelamalu said...

Sounds like a good idea, good luck with it!