...'Tis The Season (tag from Annelisa. I'm not tagging coz it's too late).
Favorite seasonal movie?
Scrooged (Bill Murray)
Song you most enjoy this time of year?
Stop the Cavalry
Holiday Greeting?
I don't even understand this question... Merry Xmas?
Decorate, inside? outside?
Do you make a list? If so, how many people are on it?
How up to the last minute do you shop?
Christmas eve eve this year. Not doing any shopping today!!
When do you open your gifts?
Christmas morning.
Holiday food you most savor?
Ham that my Mum makes. Trying to copy it this year but I know it won't be up to scratch.
Favorite holiday book?
Eh? Is that just 'favourite book'? Or do people actually have books for Christmas?
New Year Resolutions?
Never - can't stick to them. No point pretending.
Funny! you had a couple of answers the same as me... I especially couldn't think of greeting or book!
Hmmm, had ham last night, but didn't do anything special with it... just baked it.
Loved scrooge too!
The holly round the peace globe? I did a small section on another 'paint', and then just copied and pasted it all the way round. (Top and bottom first, then turned it 90 degrees on the other paint, and copied and pasted to the sides...) Took me a bit of time, but not 3 days! :-D
I'm guessing you're not going to be on the pc much today, but I hope I'm not too late to wish you a
Very Merry Christmas
and a
Happy and Peaceful New Year!!!
Hope you have a lovely time this Christmas - I know it'll be weird without your family, but it's a different kind of Christmas, eh?
TC Merry Chritmas!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Topchamp from Tennessee!
Merry Christmas, TopChamp and welcome to the Peace Globe group. I will proudly display this in the gallery. Great site here and besides, any friend of Annelisa's is a friend of mine.
Peace and grace to you in the new year!
Fun list!
Merry Christmas!!
By the way, TC, love your globe, and love your holly even more because it took you 3 days to do!!! :-D
Happy Christmas Sweetie!
Merry (belated) Christmas to you and yours! May your 2007 be filled with happiness and blessings galore =)
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