one step at a time.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

For Travis

You liked the rubber ducks so much that when I was e-mailed this today I thought of you.... It's almost wordless and Wednesday. So this is closer than I've come before to joining the meme.


Vinny "Bond" Marini said...

LOL Love it for Travis...

Travis Cody said...


Now to figure out which one is the Damm duck!!

Thanks for the great pic!

Anndi said...

*helps Travis look for the Damm duck*

*pokes the duckies til one of them quackwooooooooos*

Cute pic topchamp...

Annelisa said...

Ahhhh, they're just sitting ducks --- and such cuties - are they doing the Can Can??!! What a line-up! :-)

Anonymous said...


They're beauties! The Newly Hatched look! We used to say my nephew had that for the first year of his life when his hair was all fluffy!